CATDS-PDC L3SM Aggregated - 3-day, 10-day and monthly global map of soil moisture values from SMOS satellite

This product is an aggregation of daily maps of soil moisture, over a 3 day moving window, a decade or a month. Ascending and descending orbits are processed separately.
publicationFeb 13, 2022
Temporal CoverageJan 12, 2010

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The base products, for all the CATDS-PDC (Centre Aval de Traitement des Données SMOS - Production & Dissemination Center) processing chains, are the SMOS L1B products - - from ESA (European Space Agency).
The L3SM aggregated product is an aggregation of daily maps of soil moisture, over a 3 day moving window, a decade or a month. Ascending and descending orbits are processed separately.
Products from reprocessing RE07 are available for the period 01/2010 - 05/2021. Products from operational (OPER) processing are available since 06/2021. Reprocessed products and operational products are derived using the same algorithm and configuration, hence ensuring the temporal continuity.
File naming :
- clas : File class (OPER : operational mode, REXX : reprocessing xx)
- a : 3 for 3 days, D for 10 days, M for 1 month
- x : A for ascending orbit, D for descending orbit
- startdate : sensing start date/time of the data (format yyyymmddThhmiss)
- enddate : sensing end date/time of the data (format yyyymmddThhmiss)
- vvv : version number of the processor generating the product
- ccc : file counter
File format :
In each archive file (.tgz extension), there are two files
- A Header file (.HDR), which is a text file, in XML Earth Explorer Header format
- A Data file (, which is a netcdf file, format variant 2 (netcdf 3 with 64 bits offset option)
Reference :
Al Bitar Ahmad, Mialon Arnaud, Kerr Yann H., Cabot Francois, Richaume Philippe, Jacquette Elsa, Quesney Arnaud, Mahmoodi Ali, Tarot Stephane, Parrens Marie, Al-Yaari Amen, Pellarin Thierry, Rodriguez-Fernandez Nemesio, Wigneron Jean-Pierre (2017). The global SMOS Level 3 daily soil moisture and brightness temperature maps. Earth System Science Data, 9(1), 293-315. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
The L3SM aggregated product is an aggregation of daily maps of soil moisture, over a 3 day moving window, a decade or a month. Ascending and descending orbits are processed separately.
Products from reprocessing RE07 are available for the period 01/2010 - 05/2021. Products from operational (OPER) processing are available since 06/2021. Reprocessed products and operational products are derived using the same algorithm and configuration, hence ensuring the temporal continuity.
File naming :
- clas : File class (OPER : operational mode, REXX : reprocessing xx)
- a : 3 for 3 days, D for 10 days, M for 1 month
- x : A for ascending orbit, D for descending orbit
- startdate : sensing start date/time of the data (format yyyymmddThhmiss)
- enddate : sensing end date/time of the data (format yyyymmddThhmiss)
- vvv : version number of the processor generating the product
- ccc : file counter
File format :
In each archive file (.tgz extension), there are two files
- A Header file (.HDR), which is a text file, in XML Earth Explorer Header format
- A Data file (, which is a netcdf file, format variant 2 (netcdf 3 with 64 bits offset option)
Reference :
Al Bitar Ahmad, Mialon Arnaud, Kerr Yann H., Cabot Francois, Richaume Philippe, Jacquette Elsa, Quesney Arnaud, Mahmoodi Ali, Tarot Stephane, Parrens Marie, Al-Yaari Amen, Pellarin Thierry, Rodriguez-Fernandez Nemesio, Wigneron Jean-Pierre (2017). The global SMOS Level 3 daily soil moisture and brightness temperature maps. Earth System Science Data, 9(1), 293-315. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
- RE07-ASC-3DAYS RE07-ASC-3DAYS - Reprocessed products (01/2010 - 05/2021), ascending orbits, 3 days
- RE07-DESC-3DAYS RE07-DESC-3DAYS - Reprocessed products (01/2010 - 05/2021), descending orbits, 3 days
- OPER-ASC-3DAYS OPER-ASC-3DAYS - Operational products (06/2021 - now), ascending orbits, 3 days
- OPER-DESC-3DAYS OPER-DESC-3DAYS - Operational products (06/2021 - now), descending orbits, 3 days
- OPER-ASC-10DAYS OPER-ASC-10DAYS - Operational products (06/2021 - now), ascending orbits, 10 days
- OPER-DESC-10DAYS OPER-DESC-10DAYS - Operational products (06/2021 - now), descending orbits, 10 days
- OPER-ASC-1MONTH OPER-ASC-1MONTH - Operational products (06/2021 - now), ascending orbits, 1 month
- OPER-DESC-1MONTH OPER-DESC-1MONTH - Operational products (06/2021 - now), descending orbits, 1 month
- RE07-ASC-10DAYS RE07-ASC-10DAYS - Reprocessed products (01/2010 - 05/2021), ascending orbits, 10 days
- RE07-DESC-10DAYS RE07-DESC-10DAYS - Reprocessed products (01/2010 - 05/2021), descending orbits, 10 days
- RE07-ASC-1MONTH RE07-ASC-1MONTH - Reprocessed products (01/2010 - 05/2021), ascending orbits, 1 month
- RE07-DESC-1MONTH RE07-DESC-1MONTH - Reprocessed products (01/2010 - 05/2021), descending orbits, 1 month
- FTP Access FTP Access - All products are also available by ftp : server, login ext-catds-cpdc, passwd catds2010, path Land_products/GRIDDED/... (same paths as in above https links)
- No links available
- Link to Original Record [] This metadata comes from
- CATDS Sipad CATDS Sipad - Web-based interactive tool which allows subsettings and temporal agregation.
- CATDS Web portal
- Reference Al Bitar Ahmad, Mialon Arnaud, Kerr Yann H., Cabot Francois, Richaume Philippe, Jacquette Elsa, Quesney Arnaud, Mahmoodi Ali, Tarot Stephane, Parrens Marie, Al-Yaari Amen, Pellarin Thierry, Rodriguez-Fernandez Nemesio, Wigneron Jean-Pierre (2017). The global SMOS Level 3 daily soil moisture and brightness temperature maps. Earth System Science Data, 9(1), 293-315. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
- DOI of the product DOI of the product
Use limitations
Creative Commons license to apply : Attribution (BY) :